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400 best themes
for Talisman   



How to install a Talisman theme?:  1) Start Talisman Desktop.  2) Drag and drop the downloaded ZIP file in any (free) place of Talisman Desktop. Installation procedure will be started automatically.

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LMedia 3.4.01

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 360 kb
Author: Lighttek Software      Homepage
Downloads: 9030

Description: Talisman Desktop plugin to show Video/Audio files and DVD, change Sound Volume, display song/file title, change video/audio position.

How to use?

Unzip in your ../Talisman/plugins folder.

To add plugin in your theme (for Talisman Desktop 3.4 and higher versions):

Add a command "startplugin Lmedia" in any command string/script of any object of the theme.
Usually "startplugin ..." string is added in the "Autostart" command string of "desktop0" object.

It is possible to start and close plugin in any moment by commands "startplugin lmedia" and "closeplugin lmedia" assigned to any button or autostart script of any form.

Supported file formats

mpg,avi,flv,ifo,mpeg,wmv,wma,wav,vob,mov,mkv,mid,mp3,mp4,jpg,jpeg and DVD disks.

Note: all necessary codecs must be installed!

External commands

You can send the next external commands from any Talisman command string:

sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 0 - hide Volume Control;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 1 - show Volume Control;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 2 - hide Title;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 3 - show Title;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 4 - hide Song Position;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 5 - show Song Position;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 6 - hide Video window;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 7 - show Video window;

sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 8 - Open file dialog;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 9 - Play
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 10 - Pause
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 11 - Stop
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 12 - Show DVD menu
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 13 - Switch between normal and fullscreens modes (the same as Double Click)
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 14 - Play Next file in the folder (or DVD chapter)
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1024 0 15 - Play Previous file in the folder (or DVD chapter)

sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 3790 0 1 - reload all setting;
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1025 1 N - set Volume level in N percents (0..100);
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1025 2 N - increase/decrease Volume level on N percents (-100 .. 0 .. 100);
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1025 3 N - set Positionl in N percents (0..100);
sendmessage TForm1 Lmedia 1025 4 N - increase/decrease Position on N percents (-100 .. 0 .. 100).

Autostart command of Video/Audio window

You can choose any file to start it automatically when Lmedia plugin started.
Or you can enter the command: dvdmenu. DVD menu of the first found DVD drive will be open.

Notes for Talisman Desktop 3.4 and higher versions

New commands for LMedia plugin from Talisman Desktop version 3.4:

tobject - Open file dialog;
tobject - Play
tobject lmedia.pause - Pause
tobject lmedia.stop - Stop
tobject lmedia.dvdmenu - Show DVD menu
tobject lmedia.fullscreen - Switch between normal and fullscreen modes (the same as Double Click)
tobject - Play Next file in the folder (or DVD chapter)
tobject lmedia.prev - Play Previous file in the folder (or DVD chapter)
tobject lmedia.view= - open file in Video/Audio window
tobject lmedia.playforwards - change speed of DVD video where N is from 0,01 to 100; 1 - is a normal speed;

tobject lmedia.volume.hide - hide Volume Control;
tobject - show Volume Control;
tobject lmedia.title.hide - hide Title;
tobject - show Title;
tobject lmedia.position.hide - hide Song Position;
tobject - show Song Position;
tobject - hide Video window;
tobject - show Video window;

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Theme Manager 3.3

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 458 kb
Author: Lighttek Software      Homepage
Downloads: 9028

Description: Talisman Theme Manager 3.3
(from Talisman 3.3 installation)

- Theme Manager
- Shape Builder
- Theme Creator
- Icon Browser
- Calendar (*.tcal) Browser
- Shape(*.tshape) Browser
- Clock(*.tclock) Browser
- Butons(*.tbtn, *.btn3) Browser

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L-Volume 3.1

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 140 kb
Author: Lighttek    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8962

Description: Skinnable Mediaplayer Control plugin for Talisman. Allows to use vertical and horizontal orientations.
-Windows Master Volume control,
-Winamp playing track position control,
-Winamp playing track title display.

Version 3.1 adds:
- Windows Vista and Windows 7 support.
- Mute/Unmute functions:
sendmessage TForm1 Lvolume 1025 5 0 - mute or unmute sound.
sendmessage TForm1 Lvolume 1025 6 0 - mute sound.
sendmessage TForm1 Lvolume 1025 7 0 - unmute sound.

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Windows List v3.01

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 200 kb
Author: Lighttek    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8949

Description: This program helps you to create and test Talisman`s "Sendkeys" commands.

Start application for which you want to create a "Sendkeys" command. Start windowslist.exe. Select the main window of your app in the list and try to send some commands in it. If the commands are accepted by app - write the "sendkeys " string for Talisman using "Window Class Name" as a first parameter and "nil" as a second parameter.

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Bug Report Generator

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 40 kb
Author: Lighttek Software    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8932

Description: Reportgenerator for Talisman Desktop
version 1.1
Lighttek Software 2004

Reportgenerator creates a report (TALISMAN_REPORT.TXT file) about your computer configuration.
This information will help to Talisman developers in fixing bugs and developing new functions.

If you have problems with Talisman on your computer please start reportgenerator.exe and send the created by the program file TALISMAN_REPORT.TXT to Don`t forget to include the detailed description of bugs and other problems with Talisman that you want to solve.

Reportgenerator doesn`t send any information by itself!
It just creates a text file which should be sent to support by you.
If you don`t want to send some parts of generated report to Lighttek you can delete these strings.
But we recommend to send complete reports. It will be more helpful for bug fixing and further developing.

Note: the same Reportgenerator file is included in all Talisman distributives since Talisman version 2.8.

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L-Zoom 2.8

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 125 kb
Author: Lighttek    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8959

Description: L-Zoom plugin for Talisman II.

Version 2.8 adds: RGB and X/Y indicator, Settings window and other improvements.

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L-Drive 2.8

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 174 kb
Author: Lighttek    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8952

Description: Drive space indicator for Talisman.

Version 2.8 adds: Drive menu, Vertical/Horizontal orientation, Settings window, displaying network drives and other improvements.

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Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 29 kb
Author: Lighttek Software    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8932

Description: This simple program allows to send any command string from any program into the Talisman Desktop . For example you can use it to send commands in Talisman from your Flash movies or from your selfmade programs.

Syntax: sendcommand.exe [parameters]
where [parameters] is any Talisman command string.

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Windows Desktop Converter

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 300 kb
Author: Nikolay Raspopov    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8954

Description: This programs create a copy of your Windows desktop as a Talisman theme.

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UpTime 1.0

Rating:  Not defined     

Resolution:  Any
Filesize: 200 kb
Author: gnznroses    E-mail   Homepage
Downloads: 8972

Description: plugin shows your uptime (how long your computer has been on). It`s got lots of options to customize the appearence (font style, background image, time format, etc).

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Desktop Calendars

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